Things to know about studying abroad while studying in Taiwan

Things to know about studying abroad while studying in Taiwan

Post by admin /22/08/2020

According to the latest figures from the Taiwanese embassy in Vietnam, the number of Vietnamese students studying in Taiwan will increase dramatically because of the rapid cultural adaptation between the East and the West. Loan. Not only is a country with the most developed economy with the highest standard of living in Asia, but also has a great education, standing in a not small position in the world.

Currently, studying abroad is a trend that is more and more interested by young people because of the benefits that it brings such as: helping us to expand our knowledge, to expand our vision of the world at the same time this is also a very good opportunity. so that you can develop your language; Not only that, studying abroad is the best investment for the future because those who study abroad from other countries will be able to find a job with a desired salary more easily than others. domestic learners.

With statistics, the number of Vietnamese international students coming to Taiwan more and more ranks 3rd in the total number of students going to Taiwan to study. Studying in Taiwan also has many forms, including learning-working system which is quite popular.

So what is the real system of studying and working in Taiwan?

While studying while working in Taiwan is not like paid internships in other countries where students will be able to work part-time. Because Taiwan, unlike Singapore, prohibits international students from working part-time, they are quite comfortable. There are many jobs to choose from with different salaries. Students can find jobs based on recommendation from relatives or read advertisements and leaflets.

The benefits of studying in Taiwan by studying and working

Because the study program is quite light and there are many vacations, students can easily go to work to earn extra income

Working while studying will train the spirit of independent learning, self-awareness, and serious and professional working attitude.

Improve your language skills. There are many experiences in life. There are many opportunities to apply for high-paying jobs after graduation.

The studying environment in Taiwan is very dynamic and modern. Full and new equipment.

Have the opportunity to work for a long time and settle in Taiwan.

The cost of studying abroad and tuition is not too high with many attractive scholarships.

After returning home, there are opportunities to work for Taiwanese businesses to invest in Vietnam.

Conditions for studying and working in Taiwan

Students: Graduated from high school (high school) or higher

Have a Chinese language proficiency level of elementary level 1 (I do not know what will be trained)

Good sense, no criminal record, good health conditions to study and work abroad.
